Wednesday, December 28, 2016

~ Treasure It, While You Still Have It ~

It's hard to trust your loved ones when you've fallen into the trap of love far too many times. Of course, there are people who’ve been through great experiences in life to call it a fairy tale and hope of having a happily ever after with their better half, and I too hope for it to last for them.

However, this isn’t about those. This is about the ones who ‘thought’ of love as a wonderful thing, been through it, and learned that it ain’t such a wonderful thing after all the misery and pain. This is about the ones who no longer believe in love, nor trust someone else to love them again. This is about the ones who’ve suffered in so called ‘love’. The ones who gave up on their life and dreams to give their loved one the world that they desired, yet ended up feeling like shit.

It’s these people that’d be hard for you to love, and if you aren’t ready for all the DRAMA that you’re gonna have to face with them, then don’t you dare move even a step closer to them, for it’s going to make things even worse for them.

You may give it your best, only to find out that it isn’t for them. You know why? Because they’ve been through that stage. Where everything is magical, and you want to keep talking to them 24/7 and then to the stage where it all falls apart.

It no longer excites them to see your best, for they have been from that best to the worst. It all began in the same ways every other time too, yet it only took few years for it to change from that to something they never thought.

No, they won’t believe it when you say that they’d be in the center of your attention at all the times, for they’ve heard it all only to realize that they gave up on their freedom in hope of spending their whole life with that one person who told them they’d be on the top of their priority list.

They’ve tried being that perfect someone, making sure that every little move they made was accepted by the one they loved. The way they dressed, the way they looked, the friends they had, the people they talked to, the things they cooked, the way they walked, the way they talked, the way they acted, the way they ate, the way they lived, and what not? They’ve tried being that perfect someone every single day in the past, only to find out that they have never been good enough, accepted or even noticed.

Few are the lucky ones who thought of love as a fairy tale where everything just falls into place with time and got the exact same thing in that happy ending. If you’re one who’ve taken it that far, hold onto it. Treasure it. Losing the trust in love and not knowing whether you’d ever be able to allow someone else into your life is one of the worst of feelings one can ever experience.

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