Monday, December 26, 2016

~ She's Trying Her Best To Recover ~

She was this confident girl, who thought she could conquer the world.
She was taught to stand up for herself at times when no one would be there to lift her up.
She was this girl, who fought for her rights and helped other people to get theirs.
She was taught that no one can ever take control over her or define the beauty within her. 
But then, all of it just collapsed one day.
She became the one person she thought of never becoming.
She believed it so easily when another man defined beauty for her.
She let him use her over and over again at times she wished to end it right there, for which she hated herself.
She was told that she ain't pretty, attractive or beautiful at all.
She believed she was ugly, fat and every other thing that people would hate her for.
She gave it her best, and after years of suffering and endless pain, she realized that it would never be enough for him.
She tried her best to keep him happy but little did she know he was never going to find happiness in her; for all he desired was beauty and the definition he carried was so different from hers.
But she's trying her best to recover. 

& she will. 😊

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