Saturday, June 1, 2013

~ Think.Eat.Save ~

People utter,
People suffer,
But do we think or care?
No, we don’t.

People cry,
People try,
‘Cause they got nothing to eat.
But do we share?
No, we don’t.

We've got so much to wear,
And we've got so much to eat.
Yet we always chose to waste,
But never to save.

Oh, how wonderful life would be,
If everyone thought to share.
Oh, how healthy life would be,
If everyone bothered to care.
Oh, how beautiful the world would be,
If all of us just cared to share,
The beauty of life with each other.

If all of us just thought to think then eat,
And bothered to share or save,
Without a huge waste,
Life would have been such a better place.